Animal Science (CASE) Class
This course utilizes the CASE-Animal Science curriculum and investigates scientific concepts relating to the biology of domestic livestock and other animals. Specific topics include: scientific methods; taxonomy and classification; cell structure and function; biological systems; nutrition; genetics; reproduction; selection, and evaluation. Lab activities provide opportunities for problem-solving through practical applications to learn scientific concepts. Applications to current issues will also be presented.
Large Animal Vet Science Class
Introduction to large (Production/Livestock) animal health and veterinarian science. Students begin with an in-depth assessment of the nature of diseases and disorders, followed by medical practices and procedures, and conclude with the physiology of the reproductive and digestive systems. This course provides students with the opportunity to view common management problems of livestock. For those interested in animal husbandry, this course provides a strong background in the cause of and treatment of common diseases and disorders of livestock.
Small Animal Vet Science Class
This course is designed to engage students in the basic knowledge needed for a career in veterinary medicine. Explore the concepts and practices used by veterinarians and veterinary technicians. The course also covers companion animals (pets). The course includes: taxonomy; anatomy; feeding and nutrition; reproduction. Both biological principles are discussed as they relate to the topic areas. Identification of common breeds and their sources for standards are investigated and proper clinical skills are practiced.