This course examines the interaction of peace officers with individuals/groups in communities – with a focus on minority groups and the application of community-oriented policing principles. This course meets the specific POST learning objectives for pre-service law enforcement students including community-oriented policing philosophy, crime prevention, cultural diversity, bias motivated crime and the proper police response, domestic abuse and assault mandates, ethics, police professionalism, and the use of discretion by the police. Recommended prerequisites and/or companion studies – Intro. to Sociology, Psychology, Black Studies, American Minorities, American History, Constitutional Law, Interpersonal Communications, and Foreign Languages.
Course can be taken for Concurrent College Credit
Three Concurrent Enrollment Credits per semester are available through Normandale Community College. To enroll for college credit, students are required to fill out an application, provide a transcript and take a college entrance exam (Accuplacer). For those who do not qualify for Concurrent credit, articulation is also available.