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Elevate Online

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Elevate Online is a K-12 online school supporting all Minnesota students. Our students can stay enrolled and participate in extracurricular activities at their home districts while attending part-time or full-time at Elevate. 

Elevate staff collaborate with our partner districts to determine the best educational pathway for enrolled students, fostering a model of continuous improvement that benefits our students, staff and partner districts.

Elevate has the support systems to help every student achieve a successful online educational experience.

Our staff are happy to answer your questions about enrollment!

At Elevate Online...

Our caring educators will:

  • Connect with and know students at a personal level
  • Understand that students seeking online options have often struggled in other learning environments
  • Work closely with Special Education staff to ensure all students needs are being addressed
  • Use research-based instructional practices to reach each student where they are
  • Identify specific learning gaps and personalize instruction
  • Look for ways to make learning more enjoyable


To provide a high quality and responsive online learning experience for all Minnesota students in a service-based delivery model that strives to ensure that families have excellent, local options for online learning. 


To be the preferred K-12 online provider for Minnesota school districts. We believe that online learning is an important part of the educational services that districts offer their families. Our goal is to provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum with engaging, personalized instruction.