High School
Attendance and Course Completion
Elevate students in grades 9-12 can enroll full-time or in individual courses, which include core classes and electives.
Students have the option of either synchronous or asynchronous learning. Along with comprehensive core content, Elevate High School offers credit recovery, accommodations for students with IEPs and 504s. Curriculum follows Minnesota State Standards. Summer school is also available for those looking to do credit recovery.
Students are expected to attend every scheduled school day and teachers will take attendance and parents/guardians must report excused absences. Students must complete course requirements to receive grades, credit, and completion.
Live Synchronous Schedule
High School students start their day at 8:15 AM and end at 2:45 PM Monday - Friday with live classes scheduled throughout the day. Electives and independent study classes are available to students as their schedule allows. Independent study classes are supported with teacher guidance and feedback.
Student Expectations
Students will:
- Engage in virtual courses, should participate in class discussions, and respond timely to instructions of the teacher
- Submit work based on due dates
- Expect some homework assignments -- tasks to complete outside of regular classroom hours