Continuing Education Credits, or CEUs, are credits teachers and educators receive for attending training and workshops approved by their relicensure committee and professional development departments. Since 2017, the legislature has approved CEUs as a means to obtain and be relicensed by the state of Minnesota in varying educational fields.
As a district employee, you can use CEUs in various ways, including lane changes and wage incentives. Please see the Resources section to reference these forms.
Member districts often can attend SouthWest Metro workshops for free or at a reduced rate versus non-member districts. When registering for a class, a 20% discount typically (though not always, based on the class) applies. As a SouthWest Metro staff, all professional development offered through our district is free of charge.
No, we do not currently have on-demand training for member district staff but hope to offer some on-demand training in the future. We do have past recorded trainings that we can share in a limited capacity in order to earn CEU credits. Please contact Elizabeth Harner, or (952) 567-8107, for more information about this possibility.
We strive to offer meaningful training for both our staff and member district staff in areas of licensure, cultural competency, equity best practices, classroom management, mental health and varying other education related topics. Training can be offered both online and in person at our sites or member district sites. If you are a member district staff person and in need of a specific training or workshop, please contact Elizabeth Harner at or (952) 567-8107.
While we do not track CEU's for staff, as that is their responsibility, we can send you a CEU for a class you have attended in the past, so long as there is proof you have attended it.
Please contact Joy Whitehead, or (952) 567-8109, if you are in need of any missing CEU's.
SouthWest Metro has a catalog of classes in areas such as cultural competency, equity, mental health, teacher development and best practices. All current class listings are found on the eleyo website.